l wrote this blog in response to someone who was attacking me for working at a "kill" shelter. They said I should be thrown to the dogs and said that I shouldn't call myself an animal person. They also said that the dogs will have the last bite with me.
The truth about euthanasia.... With me being an "Animal person", I come across many people with different ideas to which their own personal "standards" are to being called a animal person. Personally, I don't judge people, that's not my way or my place. I think that there is room for everyone's opinions and ideas on all sides deserve to be heard. With that being said it's my belief that there are many people out there that call themselves animal lovers that are actually extremists that don't know any better but to say hateful remarks about their op-posers. The bottom line is that no matter what your opinion is, you can't change or control what I believe is right. My opinion is based on my own personal experiences and they mean more to me than what you think on the matter. So whether or not you agree with me is not important as far as I'm concerned. I could care less if you agree. I know I'm right with myself and when I stand before God I have nothing to hide; and frankly in the end that is all that really matters.
These animal “extremists” believe that no animal should ever be euthanized unless it has health issues. They believe that opening all animal sanctuaries is the answer to shelters not having to euthanize. It is my own opinion that housing animals for long periods of time in cages or open areas like sanctuaries is - in itself inhumane and leads to unhealthy animals. The idea of animal sanctuaries is really a unrealistic solution to the problem. The real answer is spay and neuter the animals! There was a time in my life where I thought no kill shelters was a good idea, and I admit that yeah it sounds good. Until, I saw the other side of the fence. Have you ever heard that “If its too good to be true it probably is?” ....
I will say that I do agree that there should be strict training and certification required for ALL personnel that is required to euthanize so that it is done in a humane fashion. I don’t like hearing stories of it done improperly and it breaks my heart dearly. I feel that those who do it improperly should be fired, fined, and charged with animal cruelty to the maximum punishment. The truth of the matter is, I don’t like doing it nor does anyone else that works at our facility. But the fact still remains that there is always more animals than there is people willing to adopt them. I fell that you might as well be thankful that the people that are forced to do it – really take it to heart and yes, we cry too – And most of all, we REALLY give a damn about the animals!
We save all that we can, relocate what we can, and foster what we can – but only to select “responsible organizations” that we KNOW follow up spaying and neutering the animals. We cannot send out sick animals or animals that have behavior issues which CAN become a serious threat to the public. Many of us personally - on numerous occasions have even taken these animals home ourselves to “foster” them back to health until the are “adoptable” or medically sound. Many of them come to our shelter “close to death”. So don’t you tell me that I am not an “Animal Hero” when I know what I do everyday MAKES a difference in the lives of many animals. So you see, We really do EVERYTHING in our power to SAVE what we can. We are NOT cold-hearted people that put the animals on a conveyor belt out the back door! The board of health states that we are employed to protect the people from the threat of rabies – for which we are NOT allowed to adopt any animal that BITES! ....
If the animals are medically sound and behaviorally sound – rest assured they have GREAT chances of being adopted only after which we have spayed and neutered them. And one last thing, the NO KILL shelter to which some people refer to them are NOT really no KILL. To keep that title, guess where they send the animals that “they” believe need to be destroyed? If you guessed the “full service” shelters, then you are absolutely correct! As far as I am concerned if you don’t see the BIG picture, you shouldn't judge, lest you be judged! Really, GOD KNOWS my heart better than any man or woman and I have NOTHING to hide from him!
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Rescue a pet from your local Animal Shelter ~ Their LIFE depends on YOU!
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Be a Responsible Pet Owner ~ SPAY & NEUTER your pets! ~ Don't be part of the problem ~ Be part of the solution!
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